The Blagger's Blog 22nd November 2013
A weekly roundup of media news and talking points, sans effort Thought for the Week “One of the most encouraging findings of this year’s Web Index is how the web and social media are increasingly...
View ArticleNovember 2013 in the Smoking Gun Study
Whilst winter well and truly arrived this month we’ve been so busy the freezing conditions almost went unnoticed. Three award wins, a number of additions to the team and several new business...
View ArticleThe link between showboating footballers and your business: Building a strong...
Showboating footballers and your business, no link there I hear you say? WRONG! It’s all about building your reputation with a creative campaign. Some of you may have heard the stories of football...
View ArticleThe politics of press coverage
With the ongoing Newcastle United scandal currently taking up column inches in B2B media publications, here at Smoking Gun PR we’ve been considering the etiquette and relationship between brands and...
View ArticleThe Blagger's Blog 13th December 2013
A weekly roundup of media news and talking points, sans effort Thought for the Week “If this bill goes through, it would be a disaster. Farmers would no longer be able to produce their own seeds....
View ArticleWhat Naomi Campbell's Wikipedia clean-up tells PRs and brands
Wikipedia; the great equaliser of our time, a priceless goldmine of stats and facts, or a platform for lies, half-truths and misinformation? When you take into consideration how a few years ago a...
View ArticleABTA’s Crisis Management Communications seminar : If a crisis happened...
Words: Isabel O’Riordan, Marketing Manager, ABTA If a crisis happened tomorrow are you prepared? Do you have an effective strategy to manage the media and keep key stakeholders up to date? Sadly the...
View ArticleUser Generated Content impacts on reputation management
While most marketers, public relations pros and businesses understand the extent to which brand content influences how a brand is seen an perceived online— and if they don’t they really should sort...
View ArticleHow valuable is PR to reputation management (really)?
Lack of faith seems to be a common theme in the year 2018. As we mentioned on the blog last week, those GDPR emails are coming thick and fast, and they don’t exactly smack of public trust. Then...
View ArticleWithout its reputation, your brand is nothing
Last week Smoking Gun’s Manchester HQ hosted a round table with Prolific North [LINK]. Attended by some of the finest marketing and branding minds in the region, we wanted to know one thing. Just how...
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